2024 1 oz Silicon Haven AI Gold Round (Prooflike)

2024人工智能.9999半精鑄金幣1盎司1 盎司

NT$ 91,000 (已含稅)



金屬 黃金
收藏幣重量 1 oz
純度 9999
面額 1000 ByteCoins
年份 2024
技術 AI繪圖
品質 類精鑄
發行國家 烏克蘭
製造商 Pressburg Mint 鑄造廠
發行量 (pcs) 1000
尺寸 (mm) 37 mm
包裝 盒裝
配件 保護殼

庫存數: 1

2024 1 oz Silicon Haven AI Gold Round (Prooflike)

Key Features

  • 2024 1 oz Silicon Haven AI Artificial Intelligence Gold Prooflike Round
  • Purity: Contains 1 oz .9999 pure gold in prooflike condition
  • Obverse: Features a picture of an eagle with its wings outstretched against a background of mechanical and digital motifs, signifying strength and technological advancement with the inscription "BYTECOINS" at the bottom.
  • Reverse: encapsulates the idea of a futuristic digital nation and its economy with a detailed emblem of technological and electronic elements surrounded by the phrases "Digital Reserve Bank" and "Silicon Haven".
  • Mintage: 1000 pieces only.
  • Face value: 1000 ByteCoins.
  • Diameter: 37 mm.
  • Packaging: Arrives in plastic capsule in gift box with certificate.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, can bring about changes to humanity that we may not yet fully understand. AI's power is limitless and is just starting to make its mark in various aspects of human experience.

Pressburg Mint has recently introduced a series of rounds that have been designed with the help of artificial intelligence. This round combines the beauty of traditional craftsmanship with the cutting-edge technology of AI. The rounds's design has been created by an AI, which has used its imagination to represent what a gold round should look like.

A suitable name for a country whose currency is solely for computers and AIs could be "Silicon Haven", with its currency being referred to as "ByteCoin". This nation would operate on a regulated free market system, promoting innovation and upholding ethical principles for technology usage. The monetary system may opt to utilize digital currency backed by rare minerals to guarantee the asset's safety and the efficiency of transactions. The central bank responsible for issuing ByteCoin could be called the "Digital Reserve Bank" (DRB), reflecting its crucial mission of preserving the stability of the domestic economy.

Take advantage of the opportunity to own the extraordinary 2024 1 oz Silicon Haven AI Artificial Intelligence Gold Prooflike Round today!

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